Find unlisted trails using new strava segments

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As a new Strava user and returning to mountain biking after a ~15 year hiatus, I was at times disappointed with the Strava segment UI. In order to find trails on Strava a user has to change the zoom level and scroll the map around until they appear. Some do not show zoomed all the way out and others do not show zoomed all the way in. This is primarily for non-road trails.
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To add to this I also ride in an area where there are (or were) no trails listed on Strava or trailforks. This is due to the area having a very small population but it is located in the middle of a large area of Australian bush – so there should be trails. I don’t expect quality single track with such a low population but even the fire trails are not mapped. 

So I went about riding what was available on google maps and added the trails and side trails to trailforks for other holiday makers in the future. None of it is amazing but did lead to finding another “trick”. When creating segments on Strava and making them public, old ride times from other riders were added – some were six years old. This then opened up access to their rides and other trails in the area I had not found that were not on Strava.

So if you are in an area that lacks strava or trailforks data and want to find more local trails I suggest creating strava segments for the sections you ride (not too long otherwise other riders may not have ridden them), waiting a week or so then the leaderboards for these segments will be populated. You can then check out other rides that include this segment and also stalk the other riders profiles if they are locals for more trails that are not listed.