Does C4 take skill or is it just stupid in BF3?

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@36617305 Toto writes…
[“Lots of weapons get moaned about. C4 is one that people moan about being a noob weapon (yet it is amazing how often you get killed placing C4, but the moaners always forget that).”]

Yeah no. Actually maybe – people might moan about being killed by C4 and players trying to C4 others are killed frequently. Toto was trying to imply that C4 takes skill because many players die while trying to C4, this does not mean that C4ing takes “skill”, in fact the complete opposite is true. More often than not players just make horrible choices when C4ing.

Why do players die when C4ing?

  • They don’t care. This is fair enough, some people think that trading lives and having 1:1 KDR is acceptable. Trading in the case of a tank is probably ok regardless of the situation. From an overall game perspective trading like this is not good or bad as neither side really gets ahead. However because these players are more likely to die than trade we end up with negative tickets to their own team.
  • They do care but they C4 anyway. This is simply careless and leads to negative tickets more often than not because they will die. They probably realise
  • They trade for a tank + crew. This is the good play, the sensible play. Not teamplay but it benefits your team.

People die C4ing because they play without looking, without using situational awareness, without thinking. There is no brain. There is no skill. They don’t die because of the massive amount of skill required, they die because they are not very good.